
Our company group has been accompanying our customers in solving challenges by providing IT services
systematized as “HARMONIZE” to achieve their digital transformation (DX). In today’s business landscape,
a multi-cloud-based system environment has become essential, and we are well-prepared to support customers’ safe and cost-effective cloud utilization with cloud and security services tailored for multi-cloud environments.

Additionally, our expertise lies in Ultra-high-speed Development for mission-critical systems, enabling us to
develop systems in approximately half the time of traditional approaches. Furthermore, we are evolving into
“HARMONIZE 2.0” by incorporating data and AI, offering unique and high-value services.

We aspire to be a “value-creating company” leading the IT industry. Unconstrained by conventions, we embrace new technologies collectively and strive to be a reliable co-creation partner, contributing to success of our customers.

JBCC Holdings Inc.
President & CEO
Seiji Higashiue